The Health Side Effects of Excessive Mobile Phone Use
Hello my dear friends🤗♥️I hope you all are doing well🌹💐✨
It's your Chhutkii🙋Let's start the article✨
Extreme radiation from the mobile can cause serious health problems. Doctors warn that the risk of brain cancer in particular is high. Many studies have already revealed that many smartphone users are infected with cancer. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid radio waves as much as possible.
1. High Radiation: Some are talking phone charging. This is very dangerous, causing a lot of radiation to be released. There is also the risk that the phone will explode some time.
2. Excessive Use: Watching the phone before bedtime can cause eye problems with the light coming from the phone. Speaking too much on the phone can also cause hearing problems.
3. Bed Time: Most of us sleep by the side of the phone at bedtime. This causes the body to undergo radiation
4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: In some cases, excessive texting can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The hand can become a dangerous condition and damage to the tube from the wrist into the brain.
5. Risks are high: Some studies have stated that although it is not direct to health, it has indirectly led to certain risks. Speaking on the phone, motorcycles and driving cars is at risk. While diving in, messages or talking on mobile have revealed that this is causing road accidents.
6. Nomophobia: Nomophobia means anxiety. As the connectivity increases, so does psychological distress. When the battery on the phone is completely exhausted or there is no network coverage you will be anxious.
7. Blood pressure: Doctors warn that excessive use of the mobile phone will increase your blood pressure. Doctors are already warning that the use of mobile phones can lead to increased BP and consequently heart problems.
8. Text Neck Syndrome: Flexing the head forward to use a smartphone directly affects the spine.
9. Headache and Eyesight: Most people with the cell phone experience headaches, blindness, and discomfort. New disorders such as head turning, appetite, anxiety.
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The Health Side Effects of Excessive Mobile Phone Use
Reviewed by Chutku Chutki
October 27, 2019

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