Home remedies for hair growth using coconut

Through generations,coconut oil has been used as a magical home remedy for hair growth.

1.Heat up 2 spoons of coconut oil,add juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey.Mix well and apply to hair and the scalp. Wait for an hour and wash it well with a Sulphate free shampoo. This remedy is helpful to Get rid of dandruff.

2. Blend coconut and a ripe banana together.
Add a little bot of Coconut milk to the mixture.
Apply gently to hair and the scalp. Let the mixture rest for sometime and then shampoo off. This is a good Anti-hairfall remedy.

3.whisk an egg and a table spoon of honey into Coconut oil. Massage for hair and scalp. Wait 2hours for maximum benefit. Shampoo as usual. This is a good home remedy for damaged hair.

how coconut oil helps:
there are several reasons why people have sung paeans to coconut throughout the ages.
Medium chain fatty acids and lauric and capric acid ensure rich anti-microbial and
anti-fungal properties in coconuts and these are primarly required for hair growth.coconut oil also used for shiny and dark hair.

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Home remedies for hair growth using coconut Home remedies for hair growth using coconut Reviewed by Chutku Chutki on March 21, 2019 Rating: 5


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